
发布日期:2018-12-31 12:55  阅读:3966  

论文题目   中国地方性法规立法程序合法性的审查基准研究

作者姓名   周宇骏

刊物名称   江西财经大学学报

刊  号   CN:36-1224/F

刊物期别   2018年第6

刊物级别   核心二类

何项研究成果 国家社会科学基金项目“司法裁量的运作机制与偏差控制研究”(17CFX054


摘 要:西方传统的程序性审查多与实体性正当程序有关。在中国,地方性法规的程序合法性审查,并不具备类似实体性正当程序的实体性意义,而体现为一种纯粹的立法程序规范要求。目前,中国地方性法规审查的研究缺乏直接针对程序审查基准问题的讨论。《立法法》第九十六条和第七十七条构建了中国程序合法性审查基准的双重层次——地方立法程序规范和立法程序合法性框架。立法程序合法性框架具体包括对程序性立法权的权限要求和提案的形式要求、审次制度、专门委员会审议、统一审议、单独表决等立法基本程序。审查基准不仅存在于法规范中,也应当在地方立法的实践中得到重视并予以遵循。其规范化和体系化的结果,有待于在实践中予以进一步检验。



Essay: A Study of the Examination Benchmark for the Legitimacy of China's Local Legislation

Author: Zhou Yujun

Publication name: Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics

Issue: ISSN: 1008-2972

Publication time: The sixth edition in 2018


Abstract: The procedural review of Western tradition is mostly related to substantive due process. In China, the procedural legality review of local regulations does not have the substantive meaning of a substantive due process, but is embodied in a purely legislative procedure. At present, the study of China's local regulations review lacks a discussion directly on the issue of procedural review benchmarks. Articles 96 and 77 of the Legislation Law establish a dual level of the benchmark for the review of the legality of Chinese procedures—the norms of local legislative procedures and the legality frame of legislative procedures. The legality framework of the legislative procedure specifically includes the permission requirements for the procedural legislative power and the basic legislative procedures, such as the formal requirements of the proposal, the review system, the deliberation of special committees, the unified review, and the separate voting. The benchmarks for review not only exist in the legal norms, but also should receive attention and be followed in the practice of local legislation. The results of its standardization and systemization need to be further tested in practice.

Keywords: local laws and regulations; examination benchmarks; legislative procedures; procedural review
