
发布日期:2022-10-24 17:42  阅读:4570  








Abstract: In 2022, the Organic Law of the Local People’s Congresses and Local People’s Government confirms the legal status of regional cooperative legislation with form of law for the first time. After the cooperative legislation is “into the law”, it is necessary to deal with the hierarchical relations that it faces, so as to clarify its own power space and operating rules. Cooperative legislation presents the following dilemmas in dealing with hierarchical relations: there is no clear definition of the scope of matters; there is no objective standard for the degree of consistency; there is no rational rule for choosing cooperative legislation or unified legislation; the strength of the work guidance of the high-level legislative legislature is difficult to grasp. These dilemmas will exacerbate the tension between cooperative legislation and separate legislation, and damage the necessity, effectiveness and legality of cooperative legislation. To alleviate the dilemma faced by cooperative legislation, we should adhere to the bottom-up logic and clarify the order in which separate legislation, cooperative legislation and unified legislation appear in turn. The subsidiary principle provides theoretical support for this. On this basis, we can clarify the scope of matters of cooperative legislation by clarifying the meaning of “trans-regional affairs”; We can establish rational rules for choosing cooperative legislation or unified legislation by delineating the functional boundaries of cooperative legislation; We can straighten out the dynamic relations between separate legislation, cooperative legislation and unified legislation by adhering to a self-control position. 

Key words: regional coordinated development, regional cooperative legislation, hierarchical relations, principle of subsidiarity, legislative competence
